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Climate Change and Sustainability
This page is all about Climate Change, Environmental and Sustainability Education in Staffordshire, including courses and other learning resources.
Staffordshire County Council is on a mission to Make Staffordshire Sustainable, and we have made a commitment, as an organisation, to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Together we can Make Staffordshire Sustainable: small things that you do can make a big difference.
Want to learn more? Hundreds of Staffordshire residents have already taken one of our courses and increased their understanding of sustainability, and started to make small changes in their lives to help the environment.
We are also working with the Staffordshire County Council Climate Change team and Staffordshire Libraries to bring you some fun taster sessions in library venues across the county as part of Green Libraries Month in May 2024.
Green Libraries Month.
Staffordshire Libraries are going green in May to explore themes of taking positive action against climate change and promoting environmental care.
Staffordshire Libraries are hosting a range of activities and events to help make Staffordshire Sustainable. Find out more about what’s happening near you by visiting Staffordshire Connects.
Staffordshire County Council’s Strategic Plan highlights climate change as one of its key principles. This proposal aims to focus on how we can creatively & collectively increase climate change awareness & encourage behavioural change. More about the county council’s work around tackling Climate Change in Staffordshire
Current Courses from Staffordshire Community Learning that include sustainability learning themes or content:
- Branch into Nature: Pathways to Green Jobs
- Foodie Fridays
- Awesome Animals
- Baby Loves Nature
- Pathways to Nature, Wildlife and the Outdoors
- Gardening, Woodcraft, Recycling and the Environment
- Four Seasons Wellbeing: Grow your Own sensory herbs and wild flowers
- Art for Wellbeing – More Journeys Outdoors with Art
- Family Learning with Nature
- Introduction to Forest Bathing
- Cooking with Numbers and Eat Well for Less

Find out more on our Course directory:
Staffordshire Community Learning – Staffordshire Adult and Community Learning
More info about Green careers:
Environment | Staffordshire Jobs & Careers (
More info about what the County Council is doing:
Climate change – Staffordshire County Council
Sign up for sustainability tips here: Staffordshire County Council – Take the pledge to live a more sustainable life today! (
What our learners say
Below is just some of the excellent feedback we have recently received from learners about their experiences on climate, environmental, nature and sustainability-themed courses from Staffordshire Community Learning.
The course was a good stepping stone to gain a greater understanding of the environmental sector
The course provided a wealth of information for me to explore careers in the “Green” sector. Also, the option of projects to get involved in each week were a great way to connect with nature and appreciate how important it is to look after our planet.
This course has re-ignited my passion for being connected to Nature and the outdoors
I enjoyed the course its given me the chance to be supportive with other learners to help them get the best out of the project as a team. I helped design, build and complete the compost bin, which I am proud of. I learnt new skills like sawing safely and how to use a counter screw
It was great, I enjoyed measuring the compost bins so they fitted together. I learnt new skills and planned how to design compost bins. I had lots of support from tutors and learnt to use a tablet.
The course was great; we worked well together and completed a great compost bin. I got to use new tools and measurements, which helped my maths. It was great. I’d like to take a course like that again.
This course was a reminder of the importance of the outdoors for my well-being and how to use items that I can find on my walk to switch off and be creative. I’ve been able to use the ideas within the workplace.
My daughter and I have had a lovely week connecting with nature, creating foraged art, painting rocks, and talking more about nature and the outdoors.
Well organised and resourced. Friendly and approachable tutors. This inspired me to continue learning about the environmental sector
This was a wonderful course. It really helped me gain a better understanding of environmental sector jobs. I will use what I’ve learnt to explore the sector further as I hope to transition out of long-term unemployment from sickness to working wellness.
I have learned a lot of new information and gained the confidence to try new skills – use a real camera, design using IT, create my own Padlet, and write to organisations about local issues of concern in natural habitats.
We both learned a lot from all the great activities and enjoyed the extra home work we were asked to do at home to help our wildlife in our own gardens. Thoroughly enjoyed the course!
I am more aware of the natural world around me and the issues that arise around it.
The course gave me the foundation for my role as an environmental/sustainability ambassador for my organisation
I hope to change careers in the environmental sector in the future, and this course has inspired me to pursue this.
Reduced costs of buying Christmas cards/decorations
Helped us as a family to make better choices at home regarding the environment
It encouraged me to look at the environment around me with new eyes and more understanding. As a direct result, I got involved with a litter pick in a local park.
I now have many things I wish to achieve. My husband & I are working together on the rewilding project.
This is a lovely course that has made us more aware of plants, feeders, and how to invite bugs and insects into our gardens.
Popular Courses
Here are a few examples of some of the courses available. You can also use the search bar above to browse the full selection of courses on offer.

Leisure, Health and Wellbeing
A wide range of exciting courses that enable you to develop and discover skills or interests, and to improve your health and wellbeing.

Family Learning and Parenting
These courses are designed for adults who want to develop skills to support your family’s wellbeing, such as helping with your children’s education.

Science, technology, engineering & maths
These STEM courses are designed to help gain employment opportunities within engineering, construction, science and tech focused industries.
Talk to us about our courses
If you have any questions or want further advice about any aspect of adult learning in Staffordshire.
Then please contact us:
Worried about the cost of learning?
There are no charges for many of our courses.
Staffordshire county council subsidises the costs for adult and community learning, making most courses either heavily discounted or available at no cost to you
From September 2019, even more courses may be free if you have a low income and want to improve your skills. Find out more