For learners at SSC, already on vocational programmes, who after IA and DA assessment have significant gaps in their maths knowledge. Some learners may require less than the stated GLH and some may require more.
For learners at SSC, already on vocational programmes, who after IA and DA assessment have significant gaps in their maths knowledge. Some learners may require less than the stated GLH and some may require more.
Hated Maths at school? Unsure of it at college? A practical fun-filled course which will revisit key maths concepts through gardening and growing activities, combined with quizzes and challenges that will help you see maths with a new understanding.
Do you have gaps in your maths knowledge that are preventing you from progressing at work? Do you find parts of the job challenging? Then sign up for our FREE 12-week online learning programme which uses artificial intelligence to improve your gaps in knowledge.