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Don’t let maths hold you back
You can do maths! It’s all about confidence
Maths is everywhere; but getting better at managing your bills, budgeting, improving your potential at work or helping the kids with the homework doesn’t mean you need to go back to school or college.
If you left maths behind as quickly as you could as a child but are now starting to realise that underconfidence in numeracy is impacting your career choices, earnings, or even supporting your children or grandchildren with their homework, isn’t it time to make a change?
It’s all about confidence, so make today the day you explore the flexible, short—or longer-term everyday maths and work skills that will put you back in charge of your life.
About the free maths courses
The free maths courses can help adults brush up your skills, build your confidence in using numbers in everyday life and work, and help you to get a maths qualification if you want to.
The Multiply programme is primarily for people aged 19 plus who do not already have a GCSE at grade C/level 2 (or equivalent), but the Multiply free maths courses are now also available to anyone that also needs a brush up.
If you have a GCSE/level 2 maths qualification, perhaps from school a while ago, but don’t have those skills anymore, you can get fully funded support if you:
- want to get a job or move on in your career
- want to progress to a higher level of learning
- need to fil a gap in your maths skills
Free courses are available to help:
- you to gain confidence with numbers
- you manage your money
- employees with the specific numeracy skills needed in their job
- get into work or get on in a certain job or career.
- give you practical everyday maths knowledge leading to a qualification
- parents wanting to help their children with their numeracy
- adults who are leaving, or have just left, the care system
Browse the courses available near you and get maths confident!
Take a quick quiz here to check your numeracy level to find out what could help
Frequently Asked Question about Multiply, Everyday-Maths Courses
When will Multiply courses be available in Staffordshire?
Multiply courses are available now, and will be throughout 2024.
What do the Multiply courses look like?
Multiply maths courses in Staffordshire are easy to access as they are delivered in local communities and online to help you take the first steps into numeracy learning, and even gain a maths qualification if that is what you want. It certainly open doors!
Who is providing the courses?
A range of different colleagues, charities and other providers are providing the courses in Staffordshire. They are the experts!
How will numeracy courses help my workforce and business?
7 in 10 employers report a range of benefits including improvements in the quality of work by staff, followed by the speed of work and productivity, if they have everyday maths skills.
How can I find out about the courses available?
You can search here to find out about the Multiply courses, or you can sign up to our regular e-newsletter Sign up to our regular e-newsletter about new courses and how people are getting on with them.
How do I enrol and find out more?
If you’re interested in booking onto one of our Multiply courses you can fill out our contact form and a member of our team will be in touch.
You can also contact the Multiply team directly on:
Talk to us about Community Learning in Staffordshire
If you have any questions or want further advice about any aspect of adult learning in Staffordshire then please contact us:
Worried about the cost of learning?
There are no charges for many of our courses.
Staffordshire county council subsidises the costs for adult and community learning, making most courses either heavily discounted or available at no cost to you
From September 2019, even more courses may be free if you have a low income and want to improve your skills. Find out more