Struggling with your child’s behaviour; mealtimes and bedtimes becoming a challenge? If your child is aged between 0-11 years, then this programme could be for you.
Who is the course aimed at?
Open to any adult aged 19+years and living in Staffordshire with an interest in learning about how to parent and support children’s behaviour 0-11years.
Course Content
To provide parents/ carers with a basic knowledge of how their child will grow and develop, 0-11yrs. Gain new understanding and strategies to support children’s behaviour. Over 10 sessions the content of the course includes:
Week 1 Introductions and settling in
Week 2 Acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.
Week 3 Parenting styles.
Week 4 Communicating with your child.
Week 5 Feelings and emotional development of children.
Week 6 Setting clear and appropriate boundaries.
Week 7 Appropriate consequences
Week 8 Appropriate rewards
Week 9 Food and the impact it can have on a child’s behaviour
Week 10 Healthy Families and course evaluation
Learning methods
Online delivery using Ms teams or WhatsApp with further information/ videos emailed
Learner Support
Small group sessions using Ms teams for 1 hour followed with access to course booklet and additional resources by email and video or audio of session sent to learners via Whats app.
Learner Assessments
Initial assessment, midpoint review and end of course evaluation. Individual learning plan booklet used to support the assessment process.
Course Materials
All course handouts and materials are provided for you. Learners will need access to Wi-Fi and a phone/IT device in order to access Ms teams, emailed information/ additional videos and audio messages. However this can be worked around if necessary.
What can learners do next/progress onto to?
On completion of the course, you will be able to access other community facilities to support you and your family, other community learning courses of interest to you, volunteering and employment.
Are there any fees?
Fully funded and so there are no fees for this course.
Who delivers this course?
Staffordshire Family Hub
Dates, locations and Times
This course, delivered for Community Learning by Staffordshire Family Hub, runs virtually online several times a year.
The courses for Autumn 2023 are currently full please let us know if you would like to be added to our waiting list.
Please contact:
Kate Tomson -Rayner
Telephone 01785 854700 / 07773315753
Email and
Are there any fees?
Fully funded and so there are no fees for this course.
Who delivers this course?
Staffordshire Family Hub
How to enrol on this course and find out more?
Telephone 01785 854700 / 07773315753
Email or