A fun, free card game to play as a family, to raise confidence with numbers and demystify maths. Crazy challenges and silly tasks galore! Prizes and certificates up for grabs too!
Who is the course aimed at
Staffordshire residents of all ages
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements for this game. Just sign up and play!
Course Content
If you’re a parent or carer who would like to help your child see maths in a different way, this game is ideal for you! There are ten timed challenges to get you thinking creatively about numbers and have fun as a family. Each task card has a QR code which takes you through to the ‘MathsMaster’ for facts and tips linked with each challenge. It’s a great way of enjoying maths together and introducing some of the key building blocks of maths, to support your child as they progress through school.
Learning Methods
The game pack is yours to complete as a family, at times to suit you. We suggest the whole game will take under 2 hours.
Learning Support
We’re here for support, so just contact beatthemathsmaster@gmail.com with any questions or queries.
Course Assessment
There is no formal assessment. The final task is to ‘beat the MathsMaster’ by solving the mystery sequence and submitting your answer to us. You will receive a certificate once completed.
Learning Materials
MathsMaster is a physical card game. Once signed up, you will receive the card game, which consists of instructions, ten task cards and special access to the MathsMaster padlet for loads of extras. It’s completely interactive, with short videos from the MathsMaster along the way, to bring the maths to life!
What can learners do next/progress onto?
The MathsMaster padlet has loads of links and resources that can help you continue to support your child, or explore your own journey with maths!
Dates and times
MathsMaster sessions will be running throughout term 2. Please contact the provider directly for details of how to sign up and then just start playing.
Are there any fees?
This programme is fully funded and so there are no course fees.
Who delivers this course?
Community Forest Services
How to find out more?
Rebecca Banks
Telephone 07525 120117