Calling all budding DIYers! This practical course involves using sustainable seasonal materials with DIY and crafting learning techniques to promote wellbeing and independence.
Who is the course aimed at?
The course is aimed at Staffordshire residents aged 19+ who live in a Staffordshire not Stoke-on-Trent postcode. The course is for individuals experiencing or recovering from mental ill health or people who have a learning difficulty/disability and want to support their wellbeing and independence through countryside related learning.
Entry Requirements
No prior knowledge or experience is required but an interest in crafting and or DIY would be an advantage. Potential learners must be willing to commit to all course sessions and be willing to work towards learning aims and complete a learner journal. Learning support is available throughout your course if required.
Course Content
Express your creativity to support your wellbeing, take your beautiful creations home. Make items for your home or garden from a range of upcycled materials – to include insect/animal homes, create a self watering planter for flowers or herbs plus much more.
Learning Methods
Face to face learning in a classroom or outdoor learning environment, using a variety of learning styles and activities to include hands on learning, through demonstration and taking part, viewing teaching videos, completing handouts, group talks/discussions, quizzes and completing your own learning folder.
Learner Support
Learning support is offered throughout the course to meet learners’ needs, whether it be a scribe, a reading pen, an Ipad or a person to build confidence and point learners in the right direction.
Course assessment
Learners will be reviewed at the start, middle and end of the course. Learners will be given the opportunity each week to review their learning and identify where they may need extra support to enable their full enjoyment of their course or pursue additional areas of interest.
Course Materials
Please bring appropriate clothing for the course you will be participating in e.g. outdoor clothing as some crafting sessions will involve being outdoors doing community based projects. Do not forget suitable footwear – e.g., boots or wellingtons. A packed lunch may be required for some sessions, but for most sessions lunch is provided. All materials needed for the course will be supplied but we always welcome donations of wool for the community knitting projects.
What can learners do next/progress onto?
Learners can progress onto: cooking, upskill their maths or complete further courses in the next term.
Dates and times
28/10/2024 – 02/12/2024, 10am-3pm, Mondays
Upper Moreton Farm, Wolseley Bridge, Stafford, ST18 0XD
Are there any fees?
There are no course fees.
Who delivers this course?
Upper Moreton Rural Activities
How to enrol on this course and find out more?
Open to all, potential learners will be invited to a taster session to assess suitability to the programme.
Carol Carney
Telephone 07814 237211